Monday, June 10, 2019

Kanji Cruncher: Grade 1, Lesson 14

Hi there! It's Monday again, and that means a brand-new week is starting, filled with brand-new kanji! We're getting so close to the end of Grade 1. You can make it! がんばって!

Today's Kanji:
草 林 天 火 花

Click the link below to see the lesson!

Meaning: grass
The grass has been growing for ten days! Don't you think it's time to cut it already?

     艹 grass
     日 day
     十 ten

Meaning: grove
This one is too easy. It looks just like a little grove of two trees!
But wait, how can we differentiate this one from 森, the kanji for "tree?" Easy! A grove is smaller than a forest, so naturally 林 would have two trees instead of three.

     木 tree

Meaning: heaven, sky
The Bible says there is one big heaven.

     大 big
     一 one

Meaning: fire
Another easy one! Doesn't this kanji look like a cozy campfire burning? See the logs and the bright flames?

Meaning: flower
Flowers can look a lot like grass, but when they bloom, they change into something even prettier!

     艹 grass
     化 change

Great job again today! We're almost to the end. Only two more lessons for Grade 1! Come on, let's make it to the finish line!


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