Getting Started

So you're learning Japanese? That's great! I am, too. On this blog, you'll find manga reading guides, anime listening exercises, fun kanji lessons, and soon we'll have even more!

Learn With Kitty is meant to be a fun supplement to your regular Japanese lessons. To get the most out of your time here, I recommend that you first learn hiragana and katakana, as these are the building blocks of the Japanese language. Don't know hiragana and katakana yet? Check out these fun and free Learning Resources to help you get there!

If you don't know hiragana and katakana yet or you're just getting started and need a little extra help reading new terms, you can use Google Translate to convert Japanese text to Romaji, a writing system that uses our English alphabet to write Japanese words. Plus it can read the terms to you out loud!

You don't need to know any kanji to enjoy the website, but you can check out the Kanji Cruncher lessons and learn some!

(That means "let's go!")