Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday Song: とっとこハム太郎 (Hamtaro) Theme Song - Part Two

Hi there, and welcome to this week's Saturday Song! Last week we learned the first part of the original Japanese Hamtaro theme song, and today we're learning the second part.

This part will be easier than the first because several of the words are repeated from the first section. If you need a refresher, here's a link to the first lesson.

行きましょう! Click the link below to see today's lesson!

To get started, let's listen to the part of the song we're going to be learning. It's the second verse, and if you want to fast-forward to it, it's the section between :40 and 1:00.

Now let's look at all the new vocabulary words!

Here's the first line:

とっとこ   まわるよ   はむたろう

とっとこ: We learned this word last week. It means trotting or scampering.
まわる: To turn around.
はむたろう: Hamtaro, of course!

This line says "Trotting, let's turn around, Hamtaro!"

Next comes the second line:

かっしゃ   を   まわるよ   はむたろう

かっしゃ: I had a little trouble finding a definition for this one. The most likely one I found is "to paint a vivid picture." If you know what this word means in this context, please let me know in the comments!

Now for the third line:

だいすきなのは   ヒマワリ   の   タネ

This line is exactly the same as in the first part! It says "I love sunflower seeds."

And finally the last line:

まわる   と   うれしい   はむたろう

うれしい: Happy! This refers to the kind of short-term happiness you might feel when you get a present from a friend.

This line says "Turn around and be happy, Hamtaro!"

Let's sing it!

Now that you know what the words mean, let's put what we've learned into practice. Just like we did last week, practice singing the lyrics on your own, and then try singing along with the video.

1. とっとこ   まわるよ   はむたろう

2. かっしゃ   を   まわるよ   はむたろう

3. だいすきなのは   ヒマワリ   の   タネ

4. まわる   と   うれしい   はむたろう

Great job, everyone! Look, now you know how to sing two-thirds of the Hamtaro theme song in the original language. Be sure to come back next week for Part Three!

Have a hamtastic weekend, and see you soon!


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