Thursday, June 6, 2019

Kanji Cruncher: Grade 1, Lesson 12

Good morning, fellow linguists-in-training! Ready to crunch some more kanji? Let's jump in.

Today's Kanji:
車 王 足 字 

Click the link to see the lesson!

Meaning: car
This one looks like a little car cruising along between freeway lanes! Nyoom...

Meaning: king
The kanji for "king" looks like a king's crown turned on its side.
(This kanji story is courtesy of tomorrow's special guest!)

Meaning: leg, foot
Look, you'd better stop speaking without thinking so you don't end up sticking your foot in your mouth.

     止 stop
     口 mouth

Meaning: character, letter
Children learn to read and write letters when they're very young!

Say, doesn't this kanji look familiar...? It's on the chalkboard in the picture at the top of every Kanji Cruncher lesson! 字 is half of the word 漢字, which means "Chinese characters." And what are Chinese characters in the Japanese language? Kanji, of course!

     子 child
     宀 (kettle lid radical)

Meaning: sound
Isn't it amazing how the sun can rise up without making a sound?

     日 day
     立 stand or rise up

Fantastic job today! Be sure to check in tomorrow, because we've got a super special guest joining us. Don't miss it!


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