Monday, June 24, 2019

Kitty's Journal: お買い物の冒険 (Shopping Adventure)

Hi, friends! I've decided I'm going to start keeping a journal– right here, in Japanese! See if you can read it all, or if you're more advanced than I am, would you be kind enough to gently point out what I can improve on?







こんぺいとうを買いました。 本当甘いです! 大好きです。 四年間さがしました。


こしあんぱんを買いました! 白いパンです。中で、甘いまめがあります。


そして、なっとうを見つけました! いつもなっとうを食べたかった。うれしいいです! 店員さんは、「初めてですか? ごはんも食べて!」と言った。 じゃあ、明日はなっとうとごはんを食べます。


それから、絵本を買いました! ふるいです。 パンダがいます。かわいいです! 勉強します。


楽しい冒険でした! また買い物をします。


...How did I do?

EDIT: I received some very helpful feedback from some fellow Duolingo learners! Here are their comments:

ParadoxN: It's pretty good :) There are a few mistakes though. You wrote 「楽しいでした」but since 楽しい is an い adjective, you have to write 楽しかったです for past tense. You did this correctly when you wrote 「食べたかった」but here you forgot the です at the end to make it a polite sentence. You want to be consistent since you were polite the rest of the post. You wrote 「二つみせ」, but when you write a counter before the noun, you have to put の between them, 二つのみせ。You wrote 「中で、甘いまめがあります」。 Here, though, you would use 中に, I believe. 中で is for when actions are being done somewhere. 中に is used to indicate where an object is when using あります。

Other than that, everything is パーフェクト!In some cases, there are more fitting grammar you could use, but it's likely you don't know them yet. So, here: I recommend learning つもりです, or to-plan-to, form. It will be useful for your blog!

Nice blog look btw. Very stylish.

DKP629394: First you bought Konpeito... こんぺいとうを買いました。

After that, you should use も instead of を for the things you also bought...

こしあんぱん も  買いました! [I separated it to make it look obvious - forgot how to do bold.]

Thank you both for your input! I learned a lot, and I can't wait to put it into practice.


  1. I was going to say that it looks really good, and I would have to look up the kanji. But, I put the section on natto through Google Translate, and I found I could tell when Google was wrong! Thanks for sharing this on Duo (I'm mommarigo there.). How was the natto and rice?

    1. Hi, Mommarigo! That’s so cool that you were able to tell where Google Translate was off. I actually haven’t tried the natto yet. It’s been a busy week, and I wanted to wait until I could relax and enjoy preparing it. Maybe I’ll write a journal entry about that too!


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